Thursday, May 26, 2011


Where does the time go??? Can't believe we are at the end of May already. The kids just have a couple more days of school, then they are off for the summer. Not sure if I am completely ready for that, but am excited for some summer fun.

I am getting ready for the Bead and Button show which is coming up quickly, June 9th - 12th. Here is my pile of beads that I just got strung and is waiting to get priced. I have so much to do yet ~ order a banner, receipts, get lights, postcards, boxes, etc. The list goes on and on.

I do have a few new boro sets and will update the blog when I get them on my website.

Friday, May 13, 2011

New mixes

A few new focal bead mixes that I made up yesterday. Hope you like them ;)

Open Air
Aqua and Champagne

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

New sets

I forgot I haven't shown these off yet. Here are a few new sets that I have been working on.

Night Shade
Sea Sphinx
Pacific Blues
Coral Reef
Carribean Waters
Malta Pink

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Crazy busy!!!

Oh boy, so sorry for the lack of posting lately. May is probably the most crazy, busy month for us, next to December ;) So many field trips for the kids and special activities, teacher's wanting to use up their days so I am subbing alot, AND the Bead and Button show is approaching in less than 30 days ~ YIKES!!!! Not sure how much I will be posting between now and the middle of June, but will try to keep you updated.

Thought you might enjoy seeing a necklace I made for my mother in law for Mother's day. She does so much for us, I wanted to make her something extra special.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

Tomorrow is last day for sale!!!!

Tomorrow will be the last sale for the bent beads. I just got done adding the last of them. I think there is about 50 to choose from, so you have 2 more days to get in on the sale! Hope you are having a great weekend!